#今日の一枚 #今日の詩 詩:深淵の碧き華 A Symbol of Unwavering Love夏の湖畔避暑地の休日噴水の庭に咲く碧い桔梗の花子らの笑顔家族の笑い声永遠と思える時間と光この時間は家族の絆を結び碧き花は永遠の愛を象徴すし静寂と平和をもたらす深淵の碧き華A Symbol of Unwavering Love-戒-Poetry.”A Symbol of Unwavering Love”By the summer lake,A holiday retreat,Where blue bellflowers bloomIn the fountain garden.Children's laughter,Family voices intertwine,Seeming eternal, this time and light.In this moment,Binding family ties,The azure flowersSymbolize enduring love,Bringing tranquility and peace.The deep blue bloom,A Symbol of Unwavering Love.-Kai-God bless you.