#今日の一枚 #今日の詩 詩:希望満つるの祈り Petals of Promise初秋の庭に咲くピンクの花虹色の光に包まれ弾けるシャボン玉の中で子らが笑顔で遊ぶ夏の終わりを告げる新たな時への希望の花その笑顔に未来への祈りを込めて愛らしい花は子らの笑顔に映える希望満つるの祈りPetals of Promise-戒-Poetry.”Petals of Promise”Pink flowers bloom in the early autumn gardenEnveloped in rainbow-colored lightWithin bursting soap bubblesChildren play with smilesSignaling the end of summerA flower of hope towards new timesIn those smilesPrayers for the future are embracedLovely flowersShine in the smiles of childrenPrayers brimming with hopePetals of Promise-Kai-God bless you.