#今日の一枚 #今日の詩 詩:希望の朱炎 Sacred Flames of Familial Devotion紅の聖域静けさ湛え生命の息吹奏で幼き日の夢花開く家族の愛永遠の誓い夕暮れの空茜色に染まり心に灯る希望の灯時を超え愛は深まり家族の絆永遠にここにあり希望の朱炎Sacred Flames of Familial Devotion-戎-Poetry.”Sacred Flames of Familial Devotion”Crimson SanctuarySilence brimsPlaying the breath of life Dreams of youthful daysBlossoming flowersFamily's love An eternal vowEvening sky Dyed in madder redA light flickers in the heart A beacon of hopeBeyond time Love deepensFamily bonds Forever hereCrimson flames of hope-Kai-God bless you.