#今日の一枚 #今日の詩 詩:希望の光芒 Glow of Sacred Joy春風駘蕩陽気に舞う透明で軽やかシャボンの泡のように花々は笑顔を咲かせ庭に響く家族の笑い声希望の光芒心を照らす華やかで明るい虹色の光家族の絆静寂の中で強く輝く希望の光芒Glow of Sacred Joy-戎-Poetry."Glow of Sacred Joy"Spring breeze gently blows,dancing in cheerful light,transparent and airy,like soap bubbles.Flowers bloom in smiles,echoing with family laughter in the garden.A beam of hope,illuminates the heart.Radiant and bright,in rainbow light,the bonds of family,shining strongin the silence.The sacred joy,Glow of Sacred Joy.-Kai-God bless you.