【サイコパス診断】強盗から隠れる場所は? 回答数 32>>
Pretend the thief who was already in before him to steal
日本のホワイトデー文化って海外にも広まると思う?「うん、ありそう!」or「いや、日本だけの文化かな!」 回答数 1732>>
Umm.. possibly..? There is a chance if the chocolate company would try to make its weird custom go viral and gaslight party people.. i think?
好きな人はいますか!もしくは気になってる人! No I don’t in real world but Im full of chasing my oshi actually白状するがまだスペイン語の教科書すら買ってない 言い訳ではないが田舎すぎてスペイン語の本が売ってない WHYYYYYYYY😭😭😭
3 後で佐伯イッテツの3D見るまでTwitter開けれんし明日はenて昼間pc貼り付け確定だしやること多すぎィあーー推しがスペイン語喋ってる〜〜〜😭待って…………
1 Bro here is my a little bit shit diary though, there we go
Today, I bought glass.
But glue, the trait after removing seal adhered the bottom side of glass, is faintly left.
The shit a little bit pissed me off.
Have a sweet dream.
4 Why is the flushable toilet cleaner sheets thingy usually ripped off into pieces before I pull it off the package?? Hello?? Excuse me?????🤔
3 Hmm..
3 Bad habit skipping meal to be distracted by so many myriad things catching my attention at very short span.. it’s not rare for me to concentrate too much on one thing ending up it’s past 5 to 6 hours without noticing. Which causes apparently bad effects to my rhythm..Then, im gonna be the elephant though, how do you guys think that?What the feeling when my oshi was naming his pet my real name.. thanks god to give me such a pleasure having opportunity oshi calls my name legitimately..5.4K live views?!??! What the hell is happening?? Think he’s probably not noticing that..You know what the most annoying thing living on the earth round-shaped is that I sleep while my oshi up and my oshi sleeps wile me up!!! Why does the fucking time zone exist!??
どんな人がタイプ?? 回答数 424>>
Funny cute clever
ひとり時間の楽しみは? 回答数 214>>
Playing games, watching streams, reading books, movies, etc..
All I often do while off are fucking indoor things because I’m soooo introvert and unsociable infp fucking nerddddddd
今、なにしているの❓ 回答数 145>>
Watching stream
おいくつですかー? 27
バレンタインのお返しって義務っぽく感じる?どう思う? 回答数 5318>>
5 Bro.. they looks veryyyyyyyy cool and hot and also fashionable AT FIRST, but don’t loose your tie before their true character beneath beautiful skin will be revealed.. because THEY ARE NIJISANJI, you know what? That means.. THEY ARE NOT JUST IKEMEN GUYS..
4 Alban’s sparkle nyan-nyan kittens.. 絶対当たらないセイブルくじww かわ
1 OMGGGGGGGGG new wave’s information came out there.. the debut date is Mar.15 Sat!!!!!!!!!
2 Oh I have to get a softener today
1 i don’t mean to say there’s for sure hope in any individual’s life, but despair equating death doesn’t exist or I don’t know how to define the death though.. but there is too much unable to be judged just black or white. At least it’s too early to judge what is not completely black as black
2 せ、世代〜〜〜
2 因みにわいの初恋はD.gray-manのアレンくんです👉👈(@お見合い会場)
1 これはわかる人が見ればわかるわいの出生図
bro this is my natal chart though, let’s suffer with me in this unhinged world🥹🌎🤝✨
3 なんか一部わいのことをJKと思ってフォローしてくれる人がいるような気がしないでもないけと今年の5月に28歳になる健康優良児but unfortunately社会不適合社会人だよ一応ゴメン🥹
2 I don’t mean to say the people to fight furthermore who’s already struggled in their life as enough as too much. But be alive and just survive together, if one is in front of any despair or feel to lose everything that they owned in the past, it’s not true end as far as there’s the death. I don’t think anything will be possible on their will power though at least it is not true end if any suffering cuddle you in any time
2 Cannot face things in serious way if depression would continue for a long long time because there’s so mannnnnyyyyy sorrow or something worth negativity to proliferate in this world as impossible as one individual cannot pick them all up. Sometimes feel to be destructed to catch or perceive a sorrow
1 日本のスパチャランキング1〜5位全部Vらしい
ENの名前があって☺️ってなった 幸
1 もうショタになっちゃうよ… *sigh*😮💨
Sorry bro.. but she has been actually struggling from depression and the other mental illnesses for over a decade, which made her crazy in various way..
1 最近兄み強くなってきたのは確かに同意だけど 面倒見いいから…Alban’s sparkle nyan-nyan kittens.. ヤメテ…これ以上人類を幼児退行させるのわ…
通勤・通学などの移動時間は何をする?動画をみる?席があれば寝る? 回答数 6913>>
Listening to my Oshi🥳
好きな季節とその理由を教えて? I looooooove spring because I was born in spring
2 Probably my brain is fucking malfunctioning the same as my laptop.. should take a lil nap
3 Bro I was almost dying to laugh because I misread the letters printed on cosmetic products on ad to “porn”
2 That was actually the thing everyone sees while watching horror movies
2 For some reason my laptop have regained its reason by installing new software version.. that malfunctions was as sooo insane as I’ve never encountered ever before the time, which actually frightened & traumatized me so bad like pointer moving around everywhere and multiple files opening without my command lol I don’t wanna see that happens again in any future..
2 Huh I was a little bit swung by that incident my laptop was nearly crushed