The day before yesterday I went to a friend’s home to celebrate lunar year. And there’s this guy who is extremely extroverted, good at making jokes, even willing to be teased at. He is the one who won’t be on guard with by both male and female. TBH, at that moment I’m super jealous, my inner voice is like”you think I don’t wanna be a person like that? “ I just can’t because I’m a female and I never taught to be like that. There’s even no such environment for me to grow up like that.
54 海外に住んでいるの人たち、もしご両親があなたの住んでいる場所に訪ねて来たいと言った場合、その時どんな気持ちでしょうか?」
45 お夕飯🍽️
42 試してみる
4 Recently it just came to mind that I might just keep being bullied invisibly by people who are not asexual. Every day I can see tons of anxiety about love and marriage from netizens, which just makes me doubt if I really don’t need a romantic relationship or if it’s just because I haven’t met that very person. Something like “women who are lesbian are just those who haven’t gotten hooked up with men”. Although I’ve already identified myself as a person who doesn’t hype romantic relationships and such relationships are not part of my pursuit life, I still being unconsciously influenced to can’t help but treat males of the same age as potential partners every time when I meet them. But that’s just the hegemony of sexual people, right? There are people who just don’t take such relationship being part of their lives
6 最近フランス語を勉強しようかと考えています、peer pressureのために。でも興味といえばやはり日本語と韓国語のほうかいいな🫠
6 今日はバンクーバーにある剣道クラブに行きました。雰囲気が悪くないけど、やはり少し距離感を感じます。 I can still feel the hierarchy underneath based on ages, experience, and capacity levels, which makes me feel uncomfortable