I fear death,but I fear even moreleaving without speaking the words unspoken,feeling the love unfelt,truly living before the final breath is taken.For when the end comes, regret fades into silence,no tomorrow left for second chances.So while I still breathe,I will confess, I will embrace,I will dare to live—before I am gone forever.And this is how I know I am truly alive—to feel, to hurt, to love, to break.For those who truly liveare not the ones who fear the storm,but the ones who dance with the waves,carried by the tide, uncertain yet unafraid,for every crash of the seais but another reason to live.
honestly speaking the economy got me choosing between avocado dessert or financial stability at this point😵💫 crazy inflation
Honey, lifes more than just scrolling yk🤭Someone like u calling me a ‘ひまじん’ while spending time lurking in my replies… oh, the irony lol🥴
sometimes ijdk how to express it in nihonggo seems like my brain has its own system that when i try to switch, it lags and crashes the frustration is real tho😖😫
i keep whining about how I’m probably gonna stay single ♾️ but the moment someone asks me out, I’m like, ‘Ew, no thanks.’ Self-sabotage? Maybe. Standards? Definitely 💯 lol 😵💫
if i were to meet my younger self she wouldn’t belive i wake at 5am just to go to work i dont wanna work —i want love and affection lowkey sobbing at this point 😔
currently i’m dating someone’s who’s 6ft and I fear I might not might never go back to short kings jeeeeezzzzz😪😪😪