I changed the settings on my phone and the Japanese keyboard didn't come up and I'm in a panic😂What the hell is going on?I'm not sure how well it recognizes voice, but...
Not as cold as yesterday, but still extremely cold today...In Japan, it's not so common to have wind-driven snow flurries.It's kind of fantastic✨️
I finished all class for this term!!Next week is the final exam🥲But I'm going back to Japan for the first time in 8 months🥰
winter breakマジでどうしよう💦1泊80~90ドルで1ヶ月泊まるか、それとも日本に帰るか…😓もともと夏に帰る予定だったから、冬は帰るつもりなかったけど…日本円で換算すると¥252,252~ 283,783.8…#アメリカ #ひとりごとのようなもの