The flower that once existed on the tip of a lost branch will never be seen blooming again on the same tip of a branch.As much as possible, avoid making unnecessary cuts.If you want to spend time admiring the flowers blooming at the tips of the branches...【和訳】失った枝先にかつて在りし華は2度と同じ枝先に咲き誇る事を眼にする事は出来無い。可能な限り無用な枝折を為してはならない。幾度も、その枝先に咲き誇る華を眺めて過ごしていたいのならば...。
It is said that the sky brings large drops of rain to replace someone who cannot cry.To wash away the sadness of "someone who can't cry"...【和訳】雨は“泣けぬ誰か“のその代わりに天が大粒をもたらし流すと言う…。“泣けぬ誰か“の哀しみを押し流す為に…。