“Don’t worry about the mistake you made, just be sure to not do it again”This is supposed to be a good thing to hearBut to a person that can’t trust themselves not to repeat the mistake,It just seems like a forewarning for the inevitable, upcoming thunderstormI wish I didn’t have to do that
I don’t know what to doI want to talk to someone, but I don’t have anyone I can talk toEverywhere I go feels so unnerving
Sometimes, it’s such a pain to just sit in your own skinEvery bit of my soul is writhing in pain, wanting to be freed from this absolute disgusting being of a humanI don’t know what to do, or what I can doI just want to go to sleep and not wake upI hate when life does this to me
「弾き語り」のことを「Sing with a Guitar」って呼ぶと、なんか安っぽく聞こえるんだけど英語でなんて言うんだろう...って考えてたら何も出てこなかった...カラオケも弾き語りも同じ「歌」なのか...ちょっと関心した(?) 笑