11 Naurrr help me 😭
8 Damn it
8 日本語ってすごいよね。私日本語喋れるのがまじで誇り
19 日本にこれから住むと思うと気が楽でやんす。もうアパートを取ったのであのクソルームメイトとはバイバイでやんす
15 日本の大学にもどるのだー
17 あと二ヶ月で日本に帰ります
15 こいついちごの匂いする
24 アサイー注文したらさ、バナナないっすって言われたから近くの売り場でバナナ買おうと思ってバナナくださいって言ったら”Ofc it’s free country whatever you want "って言われて、バナナくれたんだけど、それでアサイーに入れた 最高アメリカ
359 生理で体調悪すぎて吐きそう
32 そうだんしたい
18 私が部屋に居ないからって部屋を荒らしたり騒いだりしてるのもご近所さんから話聞いてるし、本当に最悪。こんな奴らとシェアハウスとか厄年やろ普通に
16 疲れた
10 もうさ、普通にルームメイトが最悪すぎて本当に鬱
12 タイムズスクエアとニューヨークの夜景見てきた
42 彼氏イケメンすぎるてしぬ
18 誰か相談乗って泣
26 She is so bitch
7 やはり遠距離恋愛って本当にしんどい。会いたい時に会えない
23 こんなに人を好きになったの初めて
18 みんなの将来のゆめおしえて
10 空港行ったらいた
25 来月彼氏と一緒にニューヨーク行くんだけど、楽しみすぎてほんまえぐい。楽しみすぎる!!!!!!
23 I love Luke combs because of my bf. He is really nice singer and has really nice voice. If you want to curious about this artist , lmk and plz listen to his music and share it !!:)
11 フォロー外すなら最初からフォローしないでください。それがブロ解してください
10 Since coming here, I’ve realized how much I owe my fam and how lucky I am to have amazing ppl around me. I’ve learned not to take what I’ve been given for granted and to be thankful for every single thing. I seriously can’t thank everyone enough.
I used to play a lot of instruments like the violin, piano, and clarinet (was even in an orch), but I know now that’s not “normal” and I owe it all to my fam. This made me re-appreciate everything they’ve done for me.
And ofc, to everyone at Gravity and those who always show up to my streams or listen to me, TYSM 🙏! This year’s almost over, but let’s keep supporting each other. I’ll keep working hard with “never forget gratitude” as my motto :)
21 I had a gift exchange with my BF and his family. I didn’t expect to get any gifts and thought I was the only one who prepared something, but everyone gave me presents, and I was so happy! I got a blanket I really wanted, which made me super happy, plus a super cute mug and an amazing bag!!! My BF gave me Chanel perfume—the one I’ve wanted forever! 🥹 I was so touched that he remembered!
14 彼氏とクリスマスイブ!
11 Today is Christmas Eve
16 I do want to go back to Japan, but I can’t focus on that because I have to work hard on my studies. U.S. politics is so difficult, especially if I end up working in diplomacy—it’ll be super tough. That’s why I need to do my best now so things will be easier later. This is such an important time for me. Ignore people who are just playing around—focus on yourself first. The best thing is not to care about others. You are you.
6 Everyone is posting about Christmas, but it’s still Christmas Eve in my country, so I’m enjoying seeing everyone’s posts. It’s pretty interesting to see how people celebrate differently compared to Japan! I’m just a bit behind bc of the time difference, though lol.
Tbh, I never really saw Christmas as something special before, but after experiencing American culture, it has become something special to me.
3 After I back to Japan, I have a lot of things to do. I’m still a freshman, but I need to take exams bc I want to start thinking about my future career. At the same time, I want to catch up with my friends and do so many other things.
2 I miss Japan 😭
6 Do u know ick? These days I heard this and I make sure my feelings cuz I don’t know abt me and my bf well. If someone love me, this person approaches me, it’s possible to hate this person. It normally happens in my life and this time it happens but this time is special,,,,
9 待って彼氏好きかも
9 勉強出来ないのを環境のせいにしてる奴がいちばん嫌い
10 誰か相談に乗って
5 いきなりマイク申請してくるやつ怖すぎる
7 これほしい
5 There are so many difficult people out there—those who insist on pushing their own opinions or refuse to accept input from others. Some have such inflated pride that they try to push aside anyone smarter than them. It’s unbelievable how many people like that exist.
4 Verse 1:
The world is vast, so full of wonder,
So many things I’ve yet to see.
Even when we speak the same language,
Some don’t make sense to me.
Opinions clash, emotions tumble,
Some twist their words when they’re ignored.
While others simply shut their ears,
And leave discussions floored.
Oh, the world’s so wide and strange,
So much to understand and rearrange!
For the first time in forever,
I see how much there is to know.
For the first time in forever,
I feel I’ve got so far to go.
It’s a maze of endless learning,
A world of lessons yet to find.
For the first time in forever,
I’ll open up my mind. 替え歌作った
4 なんか世界ってまだ私が知らないことばかり。同じ言葉を話す人達でも会話通じない人がいたり、自分の意見が通らないとひねくれる人がいたり、相手の意見を受け入れない人がいたり、すごい人がいる。世界広すぎる!学ばないと!
7 日本人でも日本語通じないやつっているんやな
8 まじで大変だったわ
14 きた
5 雰囲気が怖いって言われた酷くない?ただ疲れてて喋る気力がないだけなのにさ。