9 在留資格無いと1000倍難しくなるかも笑
18 雇ってくれてビザサポートしてくれるかもフォトスタジオの社長とマネージャーと3つ目の面接し終わったばっかで、めっちゃカジュアルだった🫠
22 オッケーこれから又一人、元彼彼と進みたいらしい🤡
19 もう彼女とか呼べないかも
フランス語のメッセージは :
11 先オンライン面接終わって、担当者に男前だねーって言われた😭
23 最高記録
15 Collonge-la-Rougeってマジジブリから出たって感じ
118 これから4ヶ月ここが職場やん🥺
19 Salut ! こんばんは!
9 誰か映像と写真関係の大学院知ってるの?マスターの為に
バンジージャンプやってみたいなと思います? 絶対にやりたい✨
16 March 29th 2024 : It is ridiculously common among us humans, to feel that will to be seen as we truly are despite the fact that we do not usually express such an authentic side of ourself when surrounded. To bury our heads in sand and blindly hope that people won't make any assumptions about us from our cover, what we actually exhibit, because we do know ourlselves well and somehow expect that knowledge to be naturally shared when eyes are laid on you. But showing what's intented ain't simple and this sucks.
14 March 28th 2024 : Neutrality may not be the best option depending on the state of affairs i get it. Even tho this would in all likelihood be the solution to all conflicts, now there already are tons of em that could be considered as a weight leading the scale to tilt towards one side, we gotta counterbalance right. But that counterweight usually is uncontrolled and this often leads to perpetual fights no matter how significant, as when neutrality should be adopted, it isn't.
People tend not to take upon themselves, may lack self-control who can tell, but this makes this world soo suffocating.
Like, don't keep nourishing that weight when it's finnaly stable and take a step back.
This whole society's fallin' appart and this feels like a total waste of time to live in. We took so much distance from the essence of life already, and keep doing so at exponential pace.
7 Isn't honour a term used to replace pride/ego thus sound less of an arsehole and self centered while justifying our poorly made decisions against someone who didn't deserve such punishment ?
2 Funny how humans arbitrarily wanna decide other's range of possibilities based on an experience that only applies to themselves but yet, they think it does so for everyone. Dreaming, targeting an ideal sure has a higher odds to fail and we're all aware of it. But is being merely satisfied and partly stuck in a dull routine without trying cuz of fear of failure any better?
Maturity they say,
overly used term to justify our lack of arguments when spittin' fiddling stuff as if this was a unit to gauge what we disagree with.
2 フランスでは食材を見付けるの難しいけどやったー
4 鳥山明🥺🥺🥺
3 Today is 国際女性デー
1 Gravityのお陰で「くたばれ」って言葉習った。
3 March 6th 2024 : I sense that one of the several reasons why tons of peeps live in a tiny world is cuz they don't even bother to learn how to enjoy/experiement something they assume they won't like beforehand. And as they convince themselves that this is the case, we can barely tell wether they actually don't really like which is an possibility, or if they simply don't try and remain stuck on a premade bs idea they had. Bit vague of a reflexion huh.
Anw point is, screw it that explains why nobody change and remain in their too comfort zone, tho comfort remains cool alright. But they restrain tons of possibilities and ain't good to listen just saying, they in the end lack experience, and what they actually call experience is mainly wasted time.This whole world is a mere sterile debate where nobody listen properly however everyone express themselves as if they've got the universal answer.
3 日本語を勉強してて、気付いたら此奴をクッションとして使っちやってた
3 We're very likely to be someone's dull if that person's perspective is as shallow as his/her lack of interest from the start is substantial.
We define things, and get defined as something, that is far from what it actually is. We may be way too lazy to dig deeper and that's okay, but we have the nerves to call it something. We're not as deep as we may think we we are.
May sound like that old cliche phrase " don't judge whachu don't know " but hey do not.
3 Everything's way too ephemeral. That's probably what makes things special most of the time, but i'd rather have some sorta consistency in the middle of all that mess. A consistency on which we can rely on you know, so we don't have to let all the mess lead us to insanity. It's great to somewhat take things for granted up to some extend. Not too much, but still a little.
5 I sometimes wish i'd be born like a century ago. When human connections were way more meaningful and not based on shallow criterias, when people distracted themselves with valuable hobbies and thus get smarter and more skillful day by day, when they had to be aware of things as they weren't helped by everything we now have, when they were ridiculously close minded and... oh wait no.
It's just some few good aspects about it, the ideal would probably be a mix of back then and now, i feel that way cuz i'm a nowadays guy in a way right ?
2 嫌な人もジブリにしたら好きになる
あなたの雨の楽しみ方を教えてください 外に出ない事
GRAVITYでは毎日話している人はいますか? 居ない、メッセージ下手ぐしょ
どうしたら結婚できますか!? Sony FX3 買ってくれたらしてあげよ
一番感動した映画は? Everything Everywhere all at onceかな
あなたは大学生ですか? 大学院生*です
口癖はなんですか? " Du coup " 言い過ぎるかな
2 心の痛みに集中しないように、舌を痛めるわ
7 ちょっと遠いか、残念
1週間のうち よく飲んでしまう飲み物は? 水
付き合う条件って、中身と外見どっちが重要なの? 絶対中身でしょー
家族で一番うるさい人誰? 猫
1 フランスの南西に住んでて、で最近日本人の歌手がここで泊まってるからやっと日本語使う機会あるんやー嬉しい😐