



but I fear even more
leaving without speaking the words unspoken,
feeling the love unfelt,
truly living before the final breath is taken.
For when the end comes, regret fades into silence,
no tomorrow left for second chances.
So while I still breathe,
I will confess, I will embrace,
I will dare to live—
before I am gone forever.
And this is how I know I am truly alive—
to feel, to hurt, to love, to break.
For those who truly live
are not the ones who fear the storm,
but the ones who dance with the waves,
carried by the tide, uncertain yet unafraid,
for every crash of the sea
is but another reason to live.

"Well, well, hello there! My name is Nana Chi," she said with a warm smile, her voice carrying the gentle cadence of someone who had spent years perfecting the art of being approachable. "It means 'Seven Wisdoms,' but don't let that mislead you—I’m no grand sage or anything of the sort. Just a simple, well-meaning lady who enjoys lending a helping hand."
She chuckled softly, the corners of her eyes crinkling in a way that suggested she'd seen her fair share of life's ups and downs. "Oh, but do feel free to call me Nana Chi, or just Nana if you'd like. I’d be delighted to hear it from you."
She paused, as if considering something, and then added with a playful wink, "After all, names are just introductions, aren’t they? It’s what we share after that really matters."